Susan Purser Hope


Working  from her studio in the West Midlands, Susan Purser Hope focuses on kiln formed architectural commissions and sculptures.  She creates architectural work comprising of large walls or windows of glass through to individual and often collaborative pieces of glass artwork for installation into public areas and private homes.  Her work is intended to be a living part of the environment in which it is placed.  Susan has run her own interior design consultancy for many years and has expanded her portfolio to include her glasswork into countrywide projects. 

Susan Purser Hope works primarily in kiln formed, fused and sandblasted glass.  She is fascinated by the way in which individuals use masks – both literally and emotionally – to hide behind.  These theatrical images feature a great deal in her work as do both natural and architectural forms and structures.

 Susan also works with schools, hospitals and local Primary Care Trusts to develop participatory arts projects with communities.  By taking glass into these workshop environments, she demonstrates how a material which is often seen as potentially dangerous and unobtainable can be used to create vibrant community projects.  Susan wants people to relate to and interact with her work, seeing echoes of their past and present experiences within it.  She is passionate about working in collaboration with local groups so that they take ownership of the artwork that has been created between all the participants and the artist.  Susan Purser Hope’s work is directed by her desire to involve others in most of her projects so that – once she has left – the work is theirs and relevant to their lives.

Her work has recently been featured in the “Remarkable Glass” Exhibition at the Contemporary Applied Arts Gallery, London and her collaboration with fellow British artist, Jackie Cooley and American artist, Marshall Hyde is part of the “Made in Glass 2010” exhibition currently showing at the Red House Cone, Amblecote as part of the International Festival of Glass.

Susan Purser Hope can be contacted on:;;    tel: 01902 311188

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Heart of England Glass